Buy Bosch Wet/Dry Polyester Dust Collector Filter

Bosch Wet/Dry Polyester Dust Collector Filter

The Bosch VF110 Polyester Filter is designed for wet-vacuuming uses (as well as dry) for Bosch VAC series dust extractors, including the VAC090A, the VAC090S, the VAC140A and the VAC140S. This filter captures 99.9% of particles 2.0 microns and larger. The flat design allows for greater canister capacity, allows for easy installation and does not extend down into the canister. The VF110 filter does not, however, allow any of the Bosch VAC series dust extractors to meet the EPA definition of a HEPA vacuum or to meet all of the OSHA filtration-efficiency regulations for collecting respirable crystalline silica dust. To help meet those requirements, Bosch offers the VF120H HEPA filter. Pairing it with the VAC090A or the VAC140A can help users move toward compliance with the EPA and OSHA requirements.

Bosch Wet/Dry Polyester Dust Collector Filter

Product Specification

Series Name N/A
Filter Type Polyester
Micron Rating 2
Max Capacity 14-gallon
Height (Inches) 10.75
Width (Inches) 5.87
Washable No
Bosch Wet/Dry Polyester Dust Collector Filter


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