Buy Lincoln Electric 120-Volt 88-Amp Mig Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder

Lincoln Electric 120-Volt 88-Amp Mig Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder

Interested in welding? Ready to try your hand at wire welding? Have we got the welder for you - the handy MIG from Lincoln Electric! This compact, portable and lightweight wire feed welder plugs into a 115 V, 20 amp outlet and is user friendly. Four voltage settings and continuous wire feed speed adjustment allow you to weld mild steel from 24 gage to 1/8 In. thick. And, it's easy to get started since practically everything you'll need to MIG weld is in the box - gun and cable assembly, work cable and clamp, gas nozzle, gas regulator and hose, spool of solid wire, contact tips and hand shield with filter plate and lens. Just add a cylinder of shielding gas. But that's not all - there's also a spool of self-shielded, flux-cored wire, contact tips and chipping hammer/brush so you can use your handy MIG to weld with gas less, flux-cored wire too.

Lincoln Electric 120-Volt 88-Amp Mig Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder

Product Specification

Height (Inches) 12.8
Width (Inches) 8.8
Depth (Inches) 18
Weight (lbs.) 46
Uses Argon Gas Yes
Uses Argon/Carbon Dioxide Mixed Gas Yes
Welding Gun Cable Assembly Length 8 feet
Ground Cable Length 8 feet
Instructional Media Included No
Drive Motor Overload No
Primary Circuit Breaker No
Work Clamp Included Yes
Hand Shield Included Yes
Maximum Wire Feed (Inches per minute) 300
Thermal Overload Protection Yes
Lincoln Electric 120-Volt 88-Amp Mig Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder


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