Buy Mister Landscaper Drip Irrigation Vegetable Garden Kit

Mister Landscaper Drip Irrigation Vegetable Garden Kit

All inclusive drip starter kit with everything needed to attach to an outside faucet and water up to 100-ft of Vegetable rows Includes all outdoor faucet attachments to hook up and run 50-ft of 1/2-in poly tubing to Vegetable garden area Includes all the components to attach and run from 1/2-in poly maximum runs of 33-ft of the 1/4-in in-line drip tubing down a row of vegetables 1/2 GPH drippers are molded into the 1/4-in tubing every 12-in 5 of the 1/4-in on/off valves can be used to turn on and off water supply to the 1/4-in in-line drip tubing that runs to the various seasonal vegetables Expandable by attaching 3 more of these kits together or by purchasing up to 3 extra rolls of 1/4-in in-line drip tubing (MLD-QDT100) to add on to this kit for a total of 400 linear feet Proudly made in the USA

Mister Landscaper Drip Irrigation Vegetable Garden Kit

Product Specification

Type Drip irrigation vegetable garden kit
Package Contents 50-ft of 1/2-in poly, 100-ft of 1/4-in in-line drip tubing, 30-ft of 1/4-in vinyl, filter, 25 PSI regulator, backflow valve, 1/2-in hose fitting, coupling, end crimper, punch tool, 4 goof plugs, 5 ea 1/4-in stakes and valves, 7 - 1/4-in couplers, 2 tees
Warranty 1-year limited
Color/Finish Family Multiple colors/finishes
Installation Guide Included Yes
Filter Included Yes
Pressure Regulator Included Yes
Mister Landscaper Drip Irrigation Vegetable Garden Kit


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