Buy Paslode 3-in-Gauge 30 Bright Steel Interior/Exterior Pneumatic Framing Nails (120000-Count)

Paslode 3-in-Gauge 30 Bright Steel Interior/Exterior Pneumatic Framing Nails (120000-Count)

The Paslode pallet deal offers professionals the opportunity to purchase framing nails in job lot quantities. With the purchase of 48 boxes of Paslode framing nails, you will receive a Paslode compact 30° framing nailer. Paslode 30° framing nails deliver non-stop nailing with less downtime. Paslode Brite 30° framing nails are designed and manufactured to match the specs of Paslode framing nailer so your nailer will run smooth, with fewer jams and misfires. Nails drive flush even into the harder woods and LVL. To experience non-stop nailing, use Paslode Brite framing nails for all interior framing jobs.

Paslode 3-in-Gauge 30 Bright Steel Interior/Exterior Pneumatic Framing Nails (120000-Count)

Product Specification

ANSI Safety Listing Yes
Nail Length (Inches) 3
Package Quantity 120000
Package Unit of Measurement Count
Degree 30
Gauge 0
Type Framing nails
Head Type Round
Diameter (Inches) 0.131
Warranty None
Collated Yes
Paslode 3-in-Gauge 30 Bright Steel Interior/Exterior Pneumatic Framing Nails (120000-Count)


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