Buy Severe Weather (Common: 3/4-in x 5-1/2-in x 6-ft; Actual: 0.75-in x 5.5-in x 6-ft) Pine Dog Ear Wood Fence Picket

Severe Weather (Common: 3/4-in x 5-1/2-in x 6-ft; Actual: 0.75-in x 5.5-in x 6-ft) Pine Dog Ear Wood Fence Picket

This dog ear style pressure treated pine fence picket is perfect for replacing an old post in a fence. You can also use it to create a fence of your own. Just finish it off with your favorite paint or stain for a customized look. This picket is 6-ft tall and 5.5-in wide.

Severe Weather (Common: 3/4-in x 5-1/2-in x 6-ft; Actual: 0.75-in x 5.5-in x 6-ft) Pine Dog Ear Wood Fence Picket

Product Specification

Series Name N/A
Fence Top Style Dog ear
Actual Thickness (Inches) 0.75
Actual Width (Inches) 5.5
Actual Height (Feet) 6
Common Thickness (Inches) 3/4-in
Common Width (Inches) 5-1/2-in
Pressure Treated Yes
Finish Unfinished
Severe Weather (Common: 3/4-in x 5-1/2-in x 6-ft; Actual: 0.75-in x 5.5-in x 6-ft) Pine Dog Ear Wood Fence Picket


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